DRC Time

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A more moderate view on voting

Well if you weren't sure what today is before 5 seconds of checking your news feed on Facebook has reminded you that today is voting day.  I know that everyone has put a little bit (or lot of bit) of their own opinion in the matter, but after my most recent experiences I would like to offer you a more laid back, and hopefully refreshing view, of all the hype we call politics.

To be perfectly honest I almost didn't vote this year, and actually almost didn't vote during the 2008 election either.  To put all your minds at ease I did vote for both times, but let me share with you all why I almost did not participate.

To put it simply, I feel that people put too much stock into one man.  Too often do we blame one guy for our problems in this country, and expect one other man to fix them.  I have seen a land where one man has this much control over people, and the result is very different from what I see happening here in America.  In fact, it is our actions and reactions to another's view that causes more problems than any one president could ever strive for.  To sum up the pros and cons that I hear many people say about both candidates sounds like this:

Obama:  Pro - he's more vested in the people and is a more progressive thinker
              Con - he's a radical socialist, or Muslim terrorist that is pursuing his own agenda

Romney:  Pro - he's God inspired and wants to decrease the tax burden on people and create jobs
                Con - He's a hater of poor people and women and only wants to help the rich

These are a very simplified summarization of what I've frequently heard people describe each person, and I hope it's simple enough to show you that no one knows either candidate that well.  We only know how they are portrayed by our favorite news station.  Fighting for either of these two guys is not worth the disunity that follows.  Seeing this all around me (had to travel to another country to get away from it) made me want to be a part of it even less.  However, this is not the answer either.

Now, let me share with you why I did decide to vote this year.

First, and most importantly.  California Tortilla is giving a free taco to everyone who voted.  Let me say that I'm sorry, and I understand.  I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier, and I understand if you want to stop reading right now and get your taco.  The blog will be here when you return.

Secondly, I believe it's the people who have the power to change this country for better or worse.  In the Congo it doesn't really matter if you are a hard working citizen, or a nonproductive loafer.  Neither changes society over there greatly, because of a disconnect from the government to the people.  In America, it matters greatly how you are contributing to the society.  Not only is it important to have a career that provides goods and services to the country, but it's also important to vested in making society better through our actions.  Care about others, and care enough that it causes a desire to help them.  This starts in your own home, and then spreads out to eventually the entire world.  This is how we can create a better American society.

Yes, voting for a good President is important, but he (or she) will be more inclined to follow the norm of the people.  Both candidates claim to give us what we want according to what we say is important or right.  The problem is that our society is not unified, and we typically want different things.  So I do encourage you to vote for the president who will do the best job, but after that you must do two things.  Get your free taco, and then take charge of making America better yourself.  Don't expect one man to do the job.

For all who have read this far I will not except any type of political debates or bashing of any person or view.  You may silently disagree, but my intention is not to hold any debate of this matter.  Comments that do this will be deleted.

Blessings to you.

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