DRC Time

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My time how you fly.

So a fellow adoptive parent reminded me yesterday that the 23rd marked three months since our "Gotcha Day" for Agape.

Wow, three months already?

Whoa, only three months?

Unfortunately, yesterday was a more difficult day for Agape behavior wise.  She was sent home early from school on Tuesday for having a "fever".  We checked it at home and it was 98.8, so not really sure about that.  She was not able to return to school until she was fever-free for 24 hours.  So yesterday was a homeschool day.  It wasn't pretty.  Apparently, to her home is a place of playing and fun.  Without going in to much detail, some days we just can't get her to listen.  Anyway, times like those make us feel like we aren't getting anywhere in her adjustment to home life.  An honest reflection would show otherwise.  Here are some quick facts about how Agape has grown since she was in the Congo.

She has grown over 3 inches, and gain about 8 or 9 lbs.
She is speaking very little Lingala anymore.  She can do basic communication with just English.
Her ear infection has cleared.  However more work will be required in the future.
She actually enjoys coloring and painting.  Couldn't get her to hold a crayon before.
She is going to school, and enjoying it.  Before she would have a breakdown if she wasn't with Jen.

Those are just a few of the measurable things to mention.  Her behavior is mostly better, but as other adoptive parents have noted you deal with one orphan behavior and then realize it is followed by another.  Agape is a work in progress.  Day by day we are peeling away her orphan heart.  It will take time, perseverance, and love to totally win her over.  Thankfully, we have all three.

Adoption is still difficult, but more worth doing than ever.

Blessings to you all.

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