DRC Time

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fundraising Update!

For all of you who have been following our story via this blog, we wanted to give you an update on our fundraising. Miraculously, we have raised $4,500 in 5 days simply through the donations of friends, family, and people who we have never even met (some even from other countries)! It has been a beautiful outpouring of grace and love, and we are SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL! Now we are only $1,500 away from our goal with 2 days left to raise it. We are fully believing that this will be possible! Miracles can and do happen every day.

As we continue to wait to see God's will unfolded through all of this, we have been praying a timely prayer for patience. (view the prayer here: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/scottysmith/2011/10/12/a-prayer-for-impatient-waiters-like-me/ )And we are praying it on repeat!

It is a hard thing to wait on God's answer, especially when it has to do with something so heart wrenching as your children. We are sure that many of you out there know exactly what we mean because of the situations you may have gone through with your own children... times when you felt completely powerless to decide the outcome and just had to leave it in the hands of God. This is where we are. Not to mention the steady influx of emotion tied to being a mother and bonding with your child, albeit only through a picture. Pictures are powerful things! And yet our adoption agency continues to remind every family that adoption is most of all an adventure, and sometimes things don't work out as you thought they would. One family in our group has already experienced the loss of the child they were in the process of adopting. The heartache that is possible here is all too real. So that is also in the back of our minds as we continue to run towards the goal of our twin daughters. So we ask MOST OF ALL for your prayers that the rest of this journey - fundraising and everything in between until the final trip HOME - would go smoothly and successfully! No roadblocks! Amen!

Again, we are so thankful for the provision through the open hearts and hands of so many around the world and around our own community. You all are awesome, and we pray that you will be blessed ten-fold for what you have sacrificed to give on our behalf!

So for now... we wait. Sometimes patiently, some times not so much! But we are waiting and laying it before God nonetheless.

If you have not donated yet and would like to - we are SO THANKFUL for every little bit - you can do so via our pay pal link in the top left corner of this blog. If you missed the post below, our vision was that each person would only have to give $10 if we got enough people involved. Now we only need 150 more people to donate $10 in order to be fully funded to accept the referrals for our girls! So amazing!

You can also keep track of the progress by viewing our facebook event page at: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=266437166730425

Thanks and MUCH LOVE,
Jen and Dan Shultz

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