But another reason why we've been pretty quiet on the blog front is that we want to use this as a medium to educate people about REAL adoption issues, and hopefully inspire some to contribute to this growing problem of the orphan crisis. What we don't want this blog to be about is an emotional, venting, and dramatic rant about just OUR life. Hence our silence. We've spared many posts talking about how difficult life has been, and even, rarely, rejoicing over a good day. This does not minimize the difficulty that of what we have been going through, or many of our adoptions friends for that matter.
I am writing this post for a few reasons. Our Facebook friends have noticed that we have had some back-to-back vacations in August which we have overall enjoyed, but don't be too jealous of us. Large parts of our vacations have not been very relaxing.
Attachment issues have been raging strong. For anyone who knows what raising a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is like you know how tired and worn down we are right now. Currently I am sitting at our camp site while Justice is napping, Agape is in time out, and Jen is taking her needed R&R at the beach. For many days now we've felt very confused and frustrated by all this, and have had to re-visit the question of where God is in this adoption.
Was this a mistake? Are we total failures, or are we doing this the right way?
These questions FEEL hard to answer, but the answer is actually pretty simple. Our daughter, before living with us, has lived a troubled life filled with things from the depths of Hell itself. You cannot walk away from this without being deeply afflicted. We are battling the demons that haunt her everyday.
And though dealing with this along side her is messy we hold on to this truth:
"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace"
The thief is attempting to destroy the walls of our family and take the joy that Christ has given us. The walls we build ourselves crumble all to easily, but the God of peace is rebuilding us with stones that hold against anything that hits it.
Been really comforted and inspired by a song from the Newsboys. Take a listen to the link below, and I hope that it comforts and inspires any of you that is going through a rough time right now.
Peace to you all.
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