DRC Time

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My time how you fly.

So a fellow adoptive parent reminded me yesterday that the 23rd marked three months since our "Gotcha Day" for Agape.

Wow, three months already?

Whoa, only three months?

Unfortunately, yesterday was a more difficult day for Agape behavior wise.  She was sent home early from school on Tuesday for having a "fever".  We checked it at home and it was 98.8, so not really sure about that.  She was not able to return to school until she was fever-free for 24 hours.  So yesterday was a homeschool day.  It wasn't pretty.  Apparently, to her home is a place of playing and fun.  Without going in to much detail, some days we just can't get her to listen.  Anyway, times like those make us feel like we aren't getting anywhere in her adjustment to home life.  An honest reflection would show otherwise.  Here are some quick facts about how Agape has grown since she was in the Congo.

She has grown over 3 inches, and gain about 8 or 9 lbs.
She is speaking very little Lingala anymore.  She can do basic communication with just English.
Her ear infection has cleared.  However more work will be required in the future.
She actually enjoys coloring and painting.  Couldn't get her to hold a crayon before.
She is going to school, and enjoying it.  Before she would have a breakdown if she wasn't with Jen.

Those are just a few of the measurable things to mention.  Her behavior is mostly better, but as other adoptive parents have noted you deal with one orphan behavior and then realize it is followed by another.  Agape is a work in progress.  Day by day we are peeling away her orphan heart.  It will take time, perseverance, and love to totally win her over.  Thankfully, we have all three.

Adoption is still difficult, but more worth doing than ever.

Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas Letter 2012

Hey people!  Yes we still love our blog, but we love our children more and they have needed more of our attention lately.  A quick post for you to read is our Christmas Letter for the past year.  Definitely our most favorite Christmas Letter ever.  As you might remember, every year we set aside some of our Christmas savings and donate to a cause that we feel strongly about that year.  This year we decided to bless some families still in the process of adopting from the Congo with a financial gift.  You may also remember that we design and make ornaments to send with our physical copies of the letter.  This years ornament was themed around the idea that the world has one less orphan.  So here is the letter.  Hope you enjoy.  Below I've also shared our Christmas card that I designed myself.

"Oh, wonderful 2012! What a year! It has brought many smiles, tears, trials, and triumphs. The theme of this year for us has been - without a doubt - fulfillment and faithfulness. We have seen lifelong dreams and brand new surprises come to life in our home and in our hearts, and God has been faithful through it all to fulfill every promise he has given us. So many plans have come full circle, and this December finds us overflowing with thanks, awe, and rejoicing as we look back over this past year and reminisce about how far our family has come and the memories that were made a long the way.

First and foremost, children have finally entered the Shultz household, and our lives have definitely reached a new level of awesome/crazy! As most of you know, this year God has blessed us with double the fun: 2 children who make every moment interesting. 


Justice Aidan Shultz! Born June 17th, 2012, 6 lbs 4 oz, 21 1/2 inches, at 9:05 pm. Currently the little man-child (as I call him) is about 17 lbs and 28 inches. Besides being on a strict schedule of GROWING, his days are spent bouncing, bouncing, bouncing in his jumper. He almost never stops moving and is definitely the epitome of a “busy” baby. He gets that from his momma! At the same time, he is also a pretty easygoing dude, happy anywhere, doing anything, with anyone. He gets that from his Daddy! He is full of smiles and laughter, and he definitely keeps US laughing! A few of his favorite things - besides bouncing and teething - are swimming, dancing to Toby Mac, going for hikes (in the Ergo baby, of course), being held by Auntie Emma, and playing with his big sister Agape. She makes him happier than anyone else can! Justice was the very best unplanned surprse we have ever recieved, and he just fills our home with joy and energy every day. 

Agape May Mado Shultz! Her “gotcha day” in Congo was October 21st, her homecoming was November 2nd, and her 7th birthday was on December 7th. So many milestones in such a short time! Although her entire world has changed almost overnight, she is adjusting very well, learning a lot of English, and making lots of new friends. Our girlie is a spunky, spirited, joyful, drama-mamma who loves to sing, dance, and be silly. She definitely has a quick wit, the heartiest laugh we have ever heard, and also a very nurturing side. Her favorite things to do are go swimming and play with Justice, and she LOVES music! She also absolutely ADORES her new extended family, and especially loves her many sets of grandparents (they spoil her well). She has her rough days, and we have already had our first big hospital scare (a severe seizure reaction to some immunizaion) but overall, she is doing GREAT. We have been so blessed to finally have her HOME with us! This has been the best fulfilled promise we have ever recieved and it is obvious that God meant her for us and us for her. :)

I (Jen) have had an interesring year, to say the least... becoming a mom twice over in a matter of a few short months is a little crazy! This spring I finished my education at Liberty with a BS in Elementary Education, and completed my student teaching at Bethany Christian School. It was wonderful to be back in the classroom with some awesome students and teachers! It was even more wonderful to finally be DONE my schooling! Then it was time to give birth, enjoy the summer of baby “firsts”, and travel to Congo in the fall to bring home Agape. The highlight of my year, besides children, has definitely been a return to running and lifting weights. I used to love these activities in high school, but have not had time to pursue them regularly since getting married and being in perpetual full time work/ college mode. The pregnancy spurred me on to be more active again, and I have loved the blessings of long runs in Nottingham Park and around our community, and time spent at our local YMCA. Highlights and accomplishments include: running 10-12 miles daily up until the day before going into labor, hiking in the New Hampshire mountains at 1 month postpardum, running my first 5K and coming in 1st for my age group, and just plain feeling healthier and stronger than ever before. Major props go to Dan for supporting all my hours on the trail and in the gym, to my dad for treating all of my injuries, and to our favoritest baby-sitter ever, Miss Elizabeth Keeler, for her mad skills in keeping my kids happy, safe, and entertained while I run. Oh, and we can’t forget the awesome staff at the Y and its Kids Korner. We go just about every day, and it has been a huge blessing for the whole family: fitness center, play room, classes, swimming... something to keep everyone active all year long. Life is good!

Dan has been busy working his job as a stroke nurse at Christiana. He enjoys his work and the people he works with, and THAT in itself is a huge blessing! He is also on the Quality and Safety Unit Council at work and really loves all the different roles that his job provides for him. This has been his first full year without being in school, and he has been loving it... although he is already starting to talk about going back to pursue his Masters! Nursing is just a perfect fit for him. He also ran his first 5K this year, and has enjoyed his time out on the trails of Nottingham as well, challenging himself to run farther and faster. In between working, running, and keeping me sane, Dan has enjoyed watching Captain America and The Avengers, perfecting his barista skills at home, and working on his photography. With Justice being born and Agape coming home he has had a lot of new material to work with! Dan has also been writing a lot of our adoption blogs this year, and his perfect blend of humor, sarcasm, and heart have often blown me away. He is passionate about adoption, his children, and seeing social justice fulfilled in the world around us, and this is spoken loud and clear through his posts. (I am so proud of my husband) Otherwise, his days are full to overflowing with being the best friend, hubby, and dad that our family could ask for, and he is still my favorite person EVER.  :) Plus, he presses the absolute BEST cup of fair trade coffee you have ever had and makes some slamming pancakes... if you ever need a good hearty breakfast and coffee that will keep you buzzing all day, please stop on by!

As a family, we have shared some amazing trips and experiences. Dan and I went on a short “babymoon” to St John in January, and spent a few days hiking and snorkeling all over the island (which is 75% national park!). It was jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and so wonderful to get away together one last time before the days of diapers, bottles, and meltdowns were upon us. Afterward we visited my mom and Bill in Florida (where they “snowbird”), toured the everglades, and saw manatees who were wintering with their calves. Beautiful! And awesome to see my newlywed mom so happy. :) In the summer we went with my family to a gorgeous secluded lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. A week together in the “quirky” lakehouse provided us with many adventures, stories, and laughter. The solitude and natural surroundings were unbelievable, and it was a rejuvenating and precious time hiking, swimming, boating, and making memories. Then in August we had the priviledge of seeing my long time bestest-best friend Kady get married to the man of her dreams. It was an HONOR to serve as her bridesmaid, and I could not be happier for them!!!! In September we took a quick camping trip to Lakewood in Myrtle Beach, our annual favorite family vacation. Then in October we travelled to Congo, Africa! Otherwise, we have just been enjoying our first ever summer and fall with NO COLLEGE since getting married 7 years ago! Fun! The downside to that is, of course, that we are now paying student loans, but that’s just life.  :) We filled this summer and fall with “firsts” for Justice, took every chance to head to the beach for a day trip, and ate waaaaaaay too much ice cream from the Strasburg Creamery. (Ummm... nevermind. On second thought, there is NO such thing as “too much ice cream”) Now we are on to family bonding and enjoying “firsts” for Agape... first Christmas everything has been really fun! The Christmas trees and the lights at Herrs have been her favorites! We are excited to see what 2013 has in store. 

And now that we are home with our daughter, we have turned our focus from supporting our own adoption to supporting the adoptions of others who are still in process... Agape has lots of friends that still need to be united with their families! So we are unwaveringly dedicated to striving for “1 Less” every new day: 1 less orphan. 1 less hurting child. 1 less family waiting. And when there is 1 less of one thing, that means there is 1 MORE of another: 1 more sister or brother home. 1 more child loved. 1 more family complete. 1 more chance for God’s kingdom to be fulfilled right here on earth!!! Adoption is the Gospel. We have been adopted as God’s children, and nothing can ever stop his love for us. And because he loves us, so we can love others! 

For our ornament this year we have painted a “1 less” ornament. For us, this means that every day we are working toward 1 less orphan. Each one of you who supported us in the past year through prayer, donations, and encouragements has been a part of OUR “1 less”!!! Now, this ornament can be a reminder to spend a little time each day creating your own new “1 less”: 1 less lonely person, one less person hungry, one less extra coat in your closet... and 1 more person kept warm on a cold night. You get the picture! The Kingdom of Heaven is all about creating 1 LESS hurting soul by being a conduit of God’s LOVE everywhere you go. This is how Jesus lives, and this is how we want to live too! For each ornament we are giving this year we are sending $ in your honor to a family who is in process to bring their child home from Congo. Now go out and “pay it forward” by doing something to love those God has put around you today! 

BLESSINGS on you and your family in 2013, and we pray that we will see you, talk to you, and meet up sometime throughout the next year. If not, please catch us on facebook as Dan N Jen Shultz or at our blog (which we occasionally keep up with) shultzadoption.blogspot.com. As we all embark upon a new year together, may God be with you all!!!! MUCH LOVE! 

PS HUUUUUGE shout-out to everyone who helped us bring Agape home. Whether you prayed, donated, gave encouragement, or watched our bud Justice while we were in Congo for two weeks (the HARDEST part of the whole trip was leaving him behind) we could NOT have done it without YOU!!!"